Holyoke, CO
Location 9.65 km (6 miles) Southwest of Holyoke, CO
Lat-Long: 40.510583, -102.359592
Elevation: 1213.0m (4000 Feet)
Tower Height w/o Appurtenances: 21.33 M (70 feet)
Tower Height with Appurtenances: 27.43 M (90 feet)
Location 9.65 km (6 miles) Southwest of Holyoke, CO
Lat-Long: 40.510583, -102.359592
Elevation: 1213.0m (4000 Feet)
Tower Height w/o Appurtenances: 21.33 M (70 feet)
Tower Height with Appurtenances: 27.43 M (90 feet)